Cameraless Light Designs – Workshop
In this two-part weekend workshop, given by Berlin-based artist Elvira Akzigitova, participants will explore light-sensitive materials, the delicate relationships between them, and the various marks of light created by composition. The aim is to give participants the tools to be able to furthen their craft and style in creating unique, abstract prints. Those processes do not require cameras or film, but work with direct exposure onto photographic paper, creating one-of-a-kind works.
Techniques shown during this workshop include Luminogrammes – drawing & moulding with light – or electric photography (Kirlian photography). To each topic, a short introduction will be provided, followed by time for experimentation. Each participant will be able to work on their own pieces.
The workshop is split up in two parts that can be taken on their own or as a package. No darkroom experience is needed to participate. The language of the workshop will be English.
Saturday, May 7th, 2022, 10 am – 4 pm: Cameraless Light Designs: Light Graphics (3 spaces left)
Sunday, May 8th, 2022, 10 am – 4 pm: Cameraless Light Designs: Electrographics (fully booked)
Workshop by:
Elvira Akzigitova (, @chelovekvsobake)
Space: Kalamari Klub – Freiraum für analoge Fotografie, Kurfürsten-Anlage 58, 69115 Heidelberg
Participation fee: 90 € (one workshop), 170 € (both workshops)
Max. number of participants: 8
Elvira Akzigitova | Bio
Elvira Akzigitova (1988, born Estonia, Tallinn) is a solitary analogue visual artist who spends long hours in the dark with a red light, trying to capture the trace of light and its tactile essentials. She works on the edge of photography and painting, just where these two practices meet and blend. Influenced by the visionary, yet debatable“Psychic Researches Behind the Iron Curtain”, Elvira’s work refers to the suggestive imaginary science. The idea she shares with practitioners of that period is that Man is more than a Machine, thus photography can be more than a mechanical process, but an optical creation. With admirable consistency she searches for a broader horizon of photographic vision. Alternative and abstract – inward looking images – Elvira decisively replaced the humanist documentary with a display of photographs presented as optical themes in themselves.
Terms & Conditions:
Mit erfolgreicher Anmeldung erklärst du dich mit den folgenden Teilnahmebedingungen einverstanden:
Die Teilnahmegebühr wird nach eingegangener Anmeldung in Rechnung gestellt. Der Rechnungsbetrag muss, sofern nicht anders angegeben, bis einen Tag vor Beginn des Workshops eingegangen sein.
Eine kostenlose Stornierung der Anmeldung ist bis 7 Tage vor Beginn des Workshops möglich, danach berechnen wir 50% der Teilnahmegebühr.
Sollten der Workshop aus unvorhergesehenen Gründen abgesagt werden, erstatten wir dir die Gebühr selbstverständlich wieder zurück. Dies gilt ebenso im Falle der Erkrankung der Workshop-Leitung.
Änderungen des Programms vorbehalten.
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